I wish I had something witty or interesting to share with you. I’ve been battling a flu/cold/horribleness that won’t go away!! So instead, I’ll just share a couple of items that build vocabulary in the primary classroom. I’ve used in my classroom for quite a while.
Student “Dictionary”
The first one is a student *dictionary*. It’s not really a dictionary. It’s more of a word book. The kids keep this in their desk in their writing folder. If they need a word spelled that they are having a tough time sounding out or isn’t on our word wall, they can ask me to put it in their *dictionary*. They should have the page with the corresponding beginning sound ready. Students may use each other’s dictionaries if they know a neighbor has a word in theirs that they need to use. The kiddos cannot ask me to add words that can be found on the word wall or words that have been on our spelling lists. I try daily to *encourage them to use all that is around them*. {*this could have said, pay attention, listen, stay on task, stay on topic… but I digress. 😀 }
Here’s the file if your interested. It should be copied 2-sided and folded in half, then stapled in the center. Nothing spectacular – but it does its job.
Vocabulary Collector
Another thing that is a constant in the room is our Vocabulary Collector.
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