I cannot believe it’s time for our annual reflections linky party!
Kristin, Hadar and I are reflecting on our favorite things for 2015 and hope you join us! Here are a few of my favorite memories of 2015.
My husband and I went on the most fabulous vacation during the spring. Kristin and Steve recommended that we stay in Jamaica. They were SO right! It was amazing, beautiful and relaxing. This was our view morning, noon and night!
{{extended teacher world friends}}
{{a change at work}}
{{new to me quote}}
I got to see Rick Morris present again this year! He is absolutely amazing. 2016 is his last year presenting. He is officially retiring. So, if you haven’t seen him, find a way! If you have, you only have 2016 to do it again!
He shares so many amazing, teacher-life-changing tips and is such an engaging presenter. It doesn’t matter how many times you see him, you always walk away inspired.
During his presentation he shared this quote from Larry Bell. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this, right? I typed it up for my friends and I to help us through some of those more challenging days. Click the image below to download a copy for you and your teacher friends, too.
{{implementing new teaching strategies}}

While at Rick Morris’ presentation I was reminded of his little technique for passing out & collecting papers and materials.
I’ve learned from him in the past that the kiddos should be “running the room” and I have held true to that ever since. But I had forgotten this little tip.
After a clang of my heart music wand (he uses a bell on his front table) a representative from each of my table groups comes up to collect the papers needed for their table. No need to pass out a group of 5 or 6 sheets to each table. I know that doesn’t sound like it would be a big deal – but it really has made a significant difference. A clang of the chime also calls representatives to collect papers from their table groups as well.
I LOVE the way Rick suggests setting this up. He said to put it all and them. I was worried how this would work out, but I told the kids their job was to have a representative each and every day from their table groups. I told them what the job would entail. They could take turns in any way they wished, or not have a turn if they didn’t want one. BUT they all had to agree and THEY had to decide. I would not be telling them how to organize it nor who it would be.
I truly thought this would create absolute havoc. Each table group discussed amongst themselves. They decided quickly to give each student a day of the week or simply take turns. One kiddo said she never wanted a turn. The whole thing was settled in less than 2 minutes and not one problem has come from it – EVER.
6 and 7 year olds just handling things! I could not love it more. And neither could they.